Register for a FREE conference for music educators who want to expand their online business. May 9-11. Duet is a proud sponsor of the Expand Online Summit.
read moreDr. Garrett Hope has made several pivots in his life as a musician – from composer to performer to teacher to consultant. And now he’s helping others do the same. In everything he does though, Garrett believes that musicians should craft businesses around their endeavors that efficiently repurpose their artistic output and properly reward them for their value. In our conversation, Dr. Hope offers philosophical convictions for this attitude as well as practical tips on how to achieve the vision he promotes.
read moreOn February 2, 2022, guitarist Dr. Jon Yerby presented a webinar to the Duet community about how to optimize remote teachings. (The recording of this webinar is available to Duet subscribers in the Resources section of your account.) As part of his presentation, Dr. Yerby offered product suggestions for microphones and video cameras that work for him.
read moreVoice teacher Malia Morris has attracted 150,000 TikTok followers and a significant audience on Instagram. In this webinar on November 3rd, Malia will share her tips for creating compelling content to promote your music studio and teaching philosophy without it taking over your life.
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